Tuesday, February 6, 2024


when (in the future)
my mind grows stiff
instead of elastic
one day when you pull on it
it will snap
into many tiny pieces that will go
to conquer territory
in everyone else's minds.
from then on
you will hear my words
in your own mind
in my voice
until (in the future)
your own mind
the first thing i will
be telling you then
(and everyone else)
is to take me
charred and flaked
to the ocean
so you can make me
into a pod of dolphins
sleek and shining
playing together
in the waves
just like i always
wanted to be.


Lonin said...

I like this poem too!

… I also find it fascinating how the lack of capital letters makes the poetic voice seem really different.

Grace Mulligan said...

Thanks! It is definitely the strangest subject matter I can remember having chosen for a poem...

I am curious as to whether you have any concrete commentary on the ways in which the poetic voice seems different without capital letters! I have a sense of why I might have chosen that stylistic quirk for this poem, but I'm not actually 100% sure.

Lonin said...

Hmm, like, to me, the lowercase letters make the poem feel like it’s trying to draw me in and have me relate to it on a personal level, instead of being something *presented* to me, which is what I think its having capital letters would feel like. I guess it’s a product of how casual and interpersonal all-lowercase text conversation often is?

Grace Mulligan said...

That definitely makes sense and certainly fits in with what I'm saying in the poem! I guess I was also thinking a bit about the lack of capital letters making the poetic voice seem quieter, and also of course the diminishment of "I," but, again, I didn't actually make the decision very consciously so all of these things could play some part in it.